Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Motion in the Ocean

Today we played with wave tables (and yesterday, cause it took us so long). We learned that waves are caused by wind (we also said whales caused waves...) The waves then cause erosion, ect, ect (thats why you shouldn't build a hotel on a barrier reef).

So, after putting together the wave table, we first set up a "reflection." We did this by putting a barrier at an angle to the incoming waves, making the waves hit the surface and bounce off (at a consistent angle).
Then we made a "refraction" by sticking a shape under the water, making the waves bend as they travel over the objects. Note: waves bend because of water properties. As the wave goes over something, the water molecules stick to whatever surface their going over. Then the water molecules stick to the bottom molecules... all of this slowing each other down (the bottom is the slowest, the top is the fastest) (thats what makes a wave that comes on the shore).
Lastly, there was "diffraction," which is how a wave changes when passing through two objects.

The end!

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